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The new digital horizons - What are the digital revolution trends ?

Librairie alumni



La librairie alumni vous tient informés des dernières parutions au sein du réseau, tous genres confondus.


Un indispensable pour les étudiants anglophones des écoles de commerce et les étudiants francophones des cursus anglais.       

Digital is at the forefront of current changes in businesses :
Platform economy, "uberisation", new financial models, boom of connected objects, changing uses across various terminals, user experience, impact on training and education, links between digital and governance.

These are all major issues that managers, executives and entrepreneurs are facing nowadays. Each one of them is discussed clearly and precisely throughout the different chapters of this book.

Illustrated by practical exercises and examples, this book is intended for students as well as practitioners who are eager to understand the digital challenges their organizations are facing.


I. The new digital business models
01. The platform economy
02. No Hubert, no uberisation
03. Crowdinvesting and the search for alternative funding
II. New digital experiences
04. The Internet of Things
05. The digital user experience
06. The cross-device challenge
III. Digital and training
07. The impact of digital technology on jobs, skills and learning
08. Managers: digital learning players
IV. Digital and governance
09. The Digital Single Market (DSM): fresh hope for the European digital economy
10. The digitisation or 'phygitisation' of executive boards: seeking added value for a business

Pour vous procurer cet ouvrage, c'est par ici !


Collectif d'auteurs sous la direction de Jean-Michel Huet et
Adeline Simon



Date de sortie

Nombre de pages

188 pages



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  • digital
  • Digitalisation
  • Management en action
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