Artificial Intelligence in business: Are humans still in the loop? - Finance, Regulation and Social Media perspective

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Le London Club NEOMA ALumni vous convie à un prochain rendez-vous inter-réseaux en ligne organisé par HEC in the UK | HEC in the UK Finance Club |  X-UK :

Artificial Intelligence in business: Are humans still in the loop?
Finance, Regulation and Social Media perspectives

Masterclass with practitioners and academic experts about the business use of Artificial Intelligence and the place of the Human in different business fields.


Mardi 29 juin à 18H30 heure de Londres (19H30 heure française)


As you may have seen last September on BFM TV, HEC Paris & Institut Polytechnique launched a brand new research center: Hi! Paris on Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Science, Business and Society.  

We are delighted to invite you to a masterclass with practitioners and academic experts about the business use of Artificial Intelligence.  We will hear about the latest research on the topic and will understand together where the human lies – at a time where the human is developing augmented reality, where is the human’s place?  

Please join us for a very insightful evening about artificial intelligence, taking into account different perspectives and with ethics at the heart of the discussion. 

The session will start with an interview of our panellists and will be followed by open Q&A from the audience. 


Christophe Pérignon, Professor of Finance and Associate Dean for Research at HEC Paris

David Restrepo, Associate Professor of Data Law and Artificial  Intelligence at HEC Paris

 Fabrice Ciais, Director of AI Solutions for PwC in the UK

El Mahdi el MHAMDI, tenure track assistant professor of data science at the Ecole polytechnique and a research scientist at Google

Delphine Mourot, Director of HEC UK Office 

Christophe Lelannou, Founder CEO of dataLearning, President of X-UK and Ambassador AX in the UK 

Ghita Ben El Khadir, Co-president of HEC In the UK Finance Club 


Directement en ligne sur le lien suivant : Cliquez ICI


Boris Kolinko -  

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