Tribu Australie - Sydney : 6eme et traditionnelle soiree annuelle du FBSAA

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La Tribu Australie - Sydney  vous convie à son prochain rendez-vous réseau :

6eme et traditionnelle soiree annuelle
du French Australian Business School Alumni in Australia

When :

Thursday 5 Nov 6.00pm until late

Programme :

Here is this period of the year where our "French Business School Alumni in Australia" network gets together after a busy year for the 6th year in a row!

This year, your FBSAA Committee is organising our last Sydney event at Ivy (Palings Bar) after work to accommodate most of you on the 5th of November. As you may know, the Hugo's Bar where we organised our annual party from 2012 to 2014 has closed so we are going back to the CBD with a free event as everyone will have to pay its drink/food at the bar. We still hope to be able to gather over 200 French business school alumni so don't be shy!

Where :

Ivy - Level 1,
330 George St, Sydney

Inscription :

Who: French Business School Alumni in Australia & friends
As part of the registration process, please do not forget to mention your company and business school for inclusion on the name tag as it will be the only way to recognise who is part of the event.

Register now through : Here is the link to register on Eventbrite

Contacts :

Your Alumni Network representative for the French Business School Alumni in Australia network
Sébastien Vallerie & Paul Chevrot

PS :

For the Melbournians, stay tuned! We are on our way to organize some drinks in the coming weeks. Looking forward to catching up around a drink !

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