Webconférence - How to Build a Scalable B2B Sales Machine : From selling as a founder to selling as a team

52 participants et 7 intéressés
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The NEOMA Alumni Entrepreneurs Club invites you to its next online networking event in English:


How to Build a Scalable B2B Sales Machine
From selling as a founder to selling as a team


Wednesday, October 23rd, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM


We will systematically analyze all parts of a B2B sales process, from initial contact to contract signing:
► Methodology for getting a first meeting starting from no contact
► ⁠B2B deal-closing framework as used by Salesforce, HubSpot and Shopify
► Examples from the experience with 90+ European B2B startups, showcasing successes and failures

You'll leave the workshop with a proven framework to assess your current sales actions, uncover blind spots, and address areas for improvement.


► Gonzalo de Lomana - Co-Founder & CEO of SaaS Growth
After working at Boston Consulting Group and doing a PhD in economics and digitalization, Gonzalo de Lomana started helping B2B startups to systematically grow their sales. As an engineer, he sees life as interconnected systems and applying the psychology of sales to create these systems is his passion. During the last 6 years has partnered with 90+ B2B startups to build and scale their sales systems.

► This conference will be hosted by André Pitié, NEOMA Alumni board member


Directly online.

⇨ Webinar fees: Free for members / €5 for non-members & those outside the network

To facilitate your registration and access your preferred rate, don't forget to log in to your profile. If you encounter any issues logging into your account, elodie.fauvelet@neoma-alumni.fr will assist you.


Thomas PLAYE, Valentin VOURIOT, Alicia PEREIRA, Sébastien DUNOD, Vincent BANAL & David GUILLET


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Clubs professionnels
Diffusé sur : Club Entrepreneurs
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