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"La palette", a life on the set for Philippe Doucet (PGE 85)

NEOMA Alumni Mag



PHILIPPE DOUCET (PGE 85), a monument of sports journalism, made a name for himself with his "palette", which revolutionised the way football is analysed. He looks back on his invention in a book to be published at the end of 2021.

A life on the set

Although his studies at NEOMA "trained his brain and taught him how to work", they never served him well in interviews... It must be said that Philippe Doucet did not choose a career that is common for a NEOMA graduate. Passionate about writing and sports, he became a sports journalist, first in the magazine press, then at Canal+ after being recruited on a football pitch in 1989.

He then found himself hosting programmes and commenting on matches... "It's an incredible company, in constant innovation. It was a rather privileged introduction to the profession. As far as innovation is concerned, he knows what he is talking about since he is at the origin of a small revolution in the way of watching football: the graphic palette. A tool for analysing matches thanks to statistics and modelling of actions, the "Doudouce palette" even ends up being a bit more than its inventor.

Discover the rest of this portrait in the digital version, completely free! 

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