Champagne Besserat Bellefon
Born in 1843 on the waterfront in Aÿ, the Maison Besserat de Bellefon is now located in Epernay. For nearly two centuries, it has left its mark on the tables and high places of Paris and perpetuates a tradition of great quality by producing wines reserved for the exclusive sector of gastronomy, hotels, wine shops and delicatessens. Besserat de Bellefon is a true ambassador of the French art of living in the most refined and creative way with values based on tradition, conviviality and simplicity.

Discover the catalog of our preferred rates: BESSERAT DE BELLEFON Tarif Neoma Alumni 2025.pdf

To order: contact Charles-Edouard Dufermont at
 this address, or call +33 (0)3 26 78 52 32

You can also go directly to their e-shop and enter the coupon code NEOMALUMNI2025 in the discount code section of the shopping cart to get a 25% discount on the entire range.