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Alumni: Pathfinders for students

NEOMA Alumni Mag



NEOMA graduates are launched into the professional world. Some alumni are now turning to the school to reach out to students. Whether it is to show them their jobs, to pass on their knowledge, to recruit them or to give them a financial boost. How do they get involved with corporate relations and the foundation? They tell us.

Real scouts

In the consulting world, there are many competitors. It is difficult for business school students not only to distinguish them from each other, but also to understand their businesses. This is why the transformation consulting firm Wavestone decided to get closer to the business schools. Very soon after its foundation, born of the merger of Solucom and Kurt Salmon in 2016, the new entity created the position of Campus Manager. A position held by four NEOMA graduates: Quentin Moreau (CESEM 11), Thibaut Florentin (PGE 18), Manon Plain (MS BDCGC 18 and PGE 18) and Antoine Leblanc (PGE 21). "NEOMA is a school that is dear to our hearts," say Antoine and Thibaut. "Wavestone has more than a hundred alumni, so it was only natural that we wanted to strengthen this relationship of loyalty, and that we signed a partnership in 2021." Presence on online forums or on campus, organisation of an inter-school Cyber and Tech competition (the Wave Game), speaking in classes or at round tables... the projects are numerous. But already, last January, several employees, themselves Alumni, came to talk about their career during a webinar.

This is the primary objective of Wavestone's commitment: "To make the reality of our business known," say the two Campus Managers. We want to give students the keys to their career choices. By being more concrete, and not just more visible, we want to make candidates want to join our teams. This is also the challenge: to transform the recruitment process. The consultancy firm thus relies on this partnership to establish a relationship of trust. And to enable students to arrive at interviews with greater peace of mind. "There is a very strong cohesion in the school that is also found in the company," emphasise the former students. Finding the same framework and the same atmosphere is enough to convince the candidates. The two partners are also committed to improving the position of people with disabilities in the company. "This is a strong desire on the part of Wavestone, and NEOMA is ahead of the game on this subject." In November, the consulting firm took advantage of the week dedicated to disability and a webinar to give the floor to one of its employees. The students were able to discover her background and the support she receives on a daily basis. Wavestone is very active in the field of CSR and is guided by the "Positive Way", and imbues all its actions with this philosophy.

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