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Discover Victor Gobourg, ISPP 11, the entrepreneur who wants to connect craftspeople

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Victor Gobourg (ISPP 11) launched Marché Privé, just after leaving NEOMA. 

What is his aim? To help local craftspeople launch their online shop.

What if an application could help craftspeople optimize their online sales? This is Victor Gobourg’s idea, founder of Marché Privé, a platform in Paris and Bordeaux, which also targets the cities of Amiens, Nantes, Rennes, Tours, Orléans and Lille. "The tool has been designed as a marketplace for local storekeepers who do not have the time, resources or expertise to have a connected storefront. This way they have access to new market shares in addition to their physical sales," the entrepreneur begins. Product selection, marketing support, delivery management... Marché Privé offers a complete offer.

"The prices are the same as in the shop. We simply take a commission of €2.90 per order. This package reassures storekeepers more than a monthly subscription. We do not want to ‘uberise’ them," says Victor Gobourg. This penchant for entrepreneurship is due in part to his time at NEOMA Business School. "During my Bachelor's degree in commerce and general business management some encounters naturally led me to start a business," confided the twenty-eight year-old, who wanted to make Marché Privé "the first local market place in France." What a great ambition! 

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