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NEOMA Alumni Learning Event in Zurich with Laure Frank (Raiffeisen)

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Learning Event in Zurich with Laure Frank (Raiffeisen)

On Tuesday, April 4th, alumni were invited to attend the second Alumni Learning Event at in Zurich. The event featured an exciting keynote presentation by Laure Frank, Head of Digital Business at Raiffeisen Bank, on the 5 key success factors for digital transformation, how to leverage customer centricity, and her learnings and insights along the way.

The presentation lasted approximately one hour. Attendees had the opportunity to network and socialize with fellow alumni while enjoying the beautiful surroundings of Zurich.

Overall, the event was a great success, with attendees leaving feeling inspired and motivated to apply what they had learned to their own digital transformation projects

Thanks to all participants, and see you soon!


Thibaut Chaprion

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