NEOMA Confucius Institute for Business : conférence "China's New Silk Road Strategy"

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International Conference – China's new silk road strategy -- Consulter la version en ligne
NEOMA Confucius Institute for Business - Rouen

Dear Sir/Madam,

The Confucius Institute for Business at NEOMA Business School would like to invite you to the International Conference "China's New Silk Road Strategy: Pathway to Green Growth for European and Chinese Industry?" to be held in Paris on 19 November 2015 at the Centre Culturel de Chine, 1 Boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg, 75007 Paris, France.

The Participation is free of charge. To confirm your participation, please fill in the online registration form before 30 October.


Register now

For more information on the conference programme,
please click here.


In the context of COP21, the Confucius Institute for Business at NEOMA Business School and the Metropole Rouen Normandy organise this high level international conference to bring European and Chinese policy makers, academics and executive of large MNEs together to debate on the following questions:
• What are the major environmental concerns and consequence of the New Silk Road Strategy, especially in infrastructure construction and industrial park projects?
• How China and Europe should cooperate to make the New Silk Road Strategy an inclusive, balanced and environment-friendly program?
• What are the policy implications for both Chinese and European governments in creating a "green" Silk Road?
• How can the governments along the Silk Road enhance the positive contribution of the private sector to a green and inclusive industry and economy?
• What are the concrete solutions that can be implemented by MNEs to analyse and optimise the "energy performance" and "low carbon emission" in construction and industry projects along the new Silk Road?


If you have any question, please contact Ms. Mingyang Qin, Project Manager: or tel. + 33 2 32 82 58 06.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at this conference!

Please feel free to share the information about this conference with colleagues interested in the topic.

NEOMA Confucius Institute for Business - Rouen

NEOMA Business School - Siège Social
1, rue du Maréchal Juin
76130 Mont-Saint-Aignan
Tel : +33 (0)

NEOMA Business School


Fondation NEOMA Business School

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Released on: Chine, Île de France, Club International
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