Anthony Adoir, PGE 15, presents Hubert Sait Faire (Hubert Knows How): an e-commerce platform that offers consumers the opportunity to buy from struggling French companies.
Anthony Adoir, PGE 15, presents Hubert Sait Faire: an e-commerce platform that offers consumers the opportunity to buy from French companies that are struggling.
Anthony, tell us about your background?
I left NEOMA BS with a specialization in HR after doing internships in general HR and recruitment. I started my career with several contracts in Lyon, my home region, and then in Paris where I worked for Burger King recruiting restaurant managers. Although I liked the job, I sometimes felt that the organization prevented me from innovating in terms of recruitment and candidate experience. As the end of my fixed-term contract approached, I saw the opportunity to devote myself to my own project, an idea which had come to me by chance a few months earlier. I have been working for a year now, full time, on this business creation.
Tell us about your project, Hubert Sait Faire.
The concept of Hubert Sait Faire came to me at the end of June 2017... while I was watching TV! For the record, this name was created in a Burger King (where one does not only eat burgers, don't worry) by another NEOMA graduate, Manon Cartier.
After deciding to devote myself to Hubert Sait Faire, I trained in entrepreneurship with the Adie association and in business law applied to struggling companies to complete my knowledge in these fields. I went to many trade fairs to meet people and develop a network of potential partners (public stakeholders, associations, entrepreneurs of the Made in France, etc.).
My project started from a very French observation: in the entrepreneurship field, we are very modest about financial difficulties and we do not have the rebound culture as in the United States. Consumers do not have information regarding the economic health of a company from which they buy. However, some recent examples (Indiscreet lingerie, Labonal socks, etc.) have shown that consumers feel concerned when asked for help to maintain employment and help companies bounce back. So, I decided to unite these companies in need of a one-off commercial boost in a single e-commerce distribution channel to overcome this difficult transition.
I studied the market for a similar platform and I discovered there were none. I also questioned people I met to test my idea on the French market. The current trend of a return towards "Made in France" shows that consumers are more committed and more vigilant about the origin and quality of what they buy, but also about the key question of "what is my purchase for?”.
Thanks to my training and networking activities, I set up this project alone, helped in my communication by a graphic designer friend, Coraline, who will join me full-time in the adventure if Hubert Sait Faire becomes a reality.
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