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Esport Arena & Fun ! Gaming & networking for EMBA alumni of NEOMA, ESSEC, EDHEC, KEDGE

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Successful Esport Arena & Fun Event Unites EMBA & MBA Alumni from NEOMA, ESSEC, EDHEC, and KEDGE 

The Global Executive MBA club organized a thrilling inter EMBA network event, "Esport Arena & Fun," which brought together EMBA and MBA alumni from NEOMA Business School, ESSEC Business School, EDHEC Business School, and KEDGE business schools. The event provided a unique opportunity for alumni to network, engage in virtual reality gaming, and enjoy a relaxed atmosphere. Participants were immersed in the exciting world of esports, fostering connections and friendly competition among alumni. 

The lively atmosphere, engaging gaming experiences, and relaxed networking opportunities made the event a memorable and valuable experience for all participants.

Thanks to all participants, and see you soon! 


Alexandra Cappadoro, Sylvain Nidiot & Dalila Tardy 

To facilitate the communication, a LinkedIn group has been organized and you are more than welcome to join : LinkedIn Group

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