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Vincent Lamy, PGE 92, now a painter under the name of Vincent Lithgow invites you to the opening of his next private exhibition.

NEOMA Alumni



Vincent Lamy, PGE 92, now a painter under the name of Vincent Lithgow invites you to the opening of his next private exhibition on December 7 at 6:30 pm. 

Vincent, tell us about your journey since NEOMA BS.

After graduating in 1992, I worked in the food industry at Nestlé and the Compagnie des Fromages. From 2002, I started to have other aspirations, to become an author, which I had been thinking about for a very long time. From the end of my teenage years, I was interested in painting and I painted my first oil paintings. I also liked to write a lot. When I arrived at NEOMA BS I was writing short stories, at the time I was the editor of the internal newspaper, the Sparadrap. And then I wrote a lot of cabaret sketches.

In 2006, thanks to my network, I had the opportunity to organize my first painting exhibition in the 14th district at the Atelier Gustave. This exhibition was a success and I sold a lot of paintings. After that I organized about twenty exhibitions in various places, especially in Paris: Batignolle's art Gallery, Etienne de Causans Gallery, Hôtel Mariott, Carrousel du Louvre... I have also organized exhibitions in private apartments. I like the intimacy this gives, as potential buyers can more easily imagine the paintings in their own homes. In 2012, I also sold a painting at Artcurial's auction, which gave me an international rating.

For two years now, I have also devoted myself to music. I trained at a music school and at the Conservatory. I now create music specifically for images, television and cinema.

For my artistic activities, I personally communicate on my news and my work through my websites and my network.

You use an artist name to sign your paintings. 

Yes, I sign my paintings with Lithgow. It was my Scottish grandmother's name and it has a special resonance for me. I chose it as my artist name.

As for my artistic work, I place myself in the spirit of the second school of Paris, the post-war pictorial movement Road to lyrical joy with painters such as Nicolas de Staël and Pierre Soulages. This movement was called "hot abstraction" because it includes both the idea of a simplification of the form up to a certain geometrization and a true painter's work linked to the use of oil painting. I am a painter of colors and matter, almost a plastic artist, since I consider matter through the prism of life and the contrasts it produces as an essential pictorial element.

See Vincent Lamy's website  

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