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Anne-Cécile Healy appointed Head of Communication, Marketing and Business Development of LWA




Anne-Cécile Healy was appointed Head of Communication, Marketing and Business Development of LWA in April 2018. This is a job creation. Since 2015, she has been growing her own Communication Consulting company.

 Anne-Cécile Healy, 42 years, Leadership & Management training - Ecole Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr (Special Military School of Saint-Cyr) (2014), master in Business Development - NEOMA Business School (2014), European Diploma of Higher Studies in Communication and Marketing (DESCOM) –ESGCI (2001), has the following career history:
 2013-2017: E.On, Marketing et Communication manager, business unit Energy Services.
 2009-2016: Uniper France, Market Research manager.
 2004-2008: Endesa, Marketing manager within the Department of Energy Management.
 2001-2004Société nationale d'électricité et de thermique (National Power Supply), Internal Communication manager.


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