In 2018 we were celebrating the 140th anniversary of the NEOMA Alumni association.  

The past 140 years have enabled us to create a beautiful community together that now has nearly 75,200 members. 140 years & 75,200 graduates who are as many professional and personal successes, new businesses, uncommon careers for some or conversions for others.  

This 140th anniversary has also been the opportunity to set up and create many events: management trophies, the start of the Gathering of Tribes but also all the events organized by our dedicated club leaders.  

This is how each of you contributes to the wealth and diversity of our network.

Each one of you brings life to this network and for that we would like to thank you.

The website

To celebrate the 140th anniversary, we have launched a website dedicated to the past and future of our network.  On this website, you could find portraits of Alumni as well as photos/visuals that would have reminded you of beautiful school memories: photos of school years, historical documents related to the association or the school...

The 140th anniversary book 

140 portraits for 140 years, this is the content of the 140th anniversary book that was published and given to you during the association's events that year.