The website, available at, is a community website created by Neoma Alumni to allow Neoma Alumni graduates and students to stay in touch, promote education, and favour employment and the careers of graduates and future graduates.

Terms of use

To use the website the user has to accept the present terms of use.

The site user states that they have the capacity and means required to access and use this site. They also acknowledge that they have checked that the computer system used contains no viruses and is in perfect working order.

The user must be a graduate, a student or a teacher of Neoma Alumni and possess a valid email address and birth date in order to activate their account and use the site.

Anonymous visitors can access the site, view articles and public events, but they can’t view profiles, post comments or take part in discussions.

The user agrees not to use a pseudonym or an email address that might interfere with the rights of others (patronymic name, brand, etc.), nor usurp a name, a company name or a registered trademark.

Any text, software, image, video, database or work uploaded on this site is protected by the French Code of Intellectual Property. The user agrees not to reproduce any of these without the express consent of Neoma Alumni.

The user ensures Neoma Alumni they own all the necessary rights, including intellectual property rights on testimonies, comments, images and data of all kinds they disclose on the website, allowing them to grant the rights conveyed herein.

The user freely and expressly agrees to have their testimonies and comments reproduced and/or used in communication materials aimed at promoting Neoma Alumni or the Neoma Alumni Graduates Association for the entire legal term of protection of these comments and testimonies.

Messages and images posted are the sole responsibility of their author, who agrees to assume all the liabilities and consequences thereto. Specifically authors of messages hold Neoma Alumni harmless against any claim or action brought by third parties arising from or in connection with the content of their messages. They therefore commit to bear the costs resulting from a conviction and the legal expenses relating thereto, as well as any settlement compensation that would be due within the framework of this dispute. The site’s representatives decline any responsibility for the content of the messages posted by users.

Registration on the site is made through a simple and free activation of the graduate or student’s account. Registration implies full acceptance of these terms of use.

Each member of the website is responsible for the personal account attributed to them, starting from the account’s activation date. It is their duty to keep it secret and never disclose it to anyone. Any action carried out with this account is recorded and may be used in the event of a dispute.

Neoma Alumni reserves the right to deny access to the website to anyone who has a negative impact on the network’s image.