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Afterwork de Printemps à Amsterdam

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Afterwork de Printemps à Amsterdam

NEOMA Alumni in the Netherlands recently hosted a delightful networking event, the Spring Afterwork in Amsterdam, on Thursday, April 18th, starting from 18:30 onwards at Café Restaurant De Ysbreeker, along the picturesque Amstel river.

As spring began with blossoming flowers and longer days, it was the perfect time for alumni to gather, reconnect, and forge new connections. Attendees enjoyed an evening filled with lively networking, good cheer, and meaningful conversations.

The event was a wonderful opportunity for both regular attendees and newcomers to come together, share experiences, and strengthen the NEOMA Alumni community in the Netherlands.

The organizing team extends their gratitude to everyone who joined the event, making it a memorable and enjoyable evening. Until the next gathering, goodbye and see you soon!


Géraldine Vermue & Valérie Batut 

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