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A look back at Celine Davesne's trip to Dublin

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On October 10th Céline Davesne, Deputy Director General in charge of Programs, met the Dublin graduates during a pleasant exchange over lunch. 

The following were present for the occasion: Denis Donohoe (CESEM 91), Commercial Director at Lir Chocolates, Yoann Guegan (Sup de Co 99), Chief Financial Officer at Merrios Limited, Valentin Picq (PGE 17), SMB Partner Manager at Facebook, Pierre-Yves Roger (Sup de Co 12), Account Executive at TripAdvisor, Pierre-François Thomas (PGE 17), Safes Development Representative at DocuSign, Etienne Delouvrier (PGE 17), Digital Marketing Consultant French Mid-Market at Google, Gauthier Davesne (BSc in International Business - IFI - Rouen & MS Business Development Key Accounts 15), Business Development Representative at Salesforce, Victor Morel (SUP de Co - MS in Business Administration) Manager, Corporate Inside Sales DACH, Google Cloud at Google, Marine Kearney (BSc in International Business-IFI-Rouen 99) painter and Aileen Rose Fleming (Cesem 17), assistant Project Executive at IDA Ireland.

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