NEOMA Alumni ranked 1st in terms of alumni network satisfaction according to the 2019 L’Etudiant ranking
The list of business schools in “L'Etudiant” magazine has been released and NEOMA Business School is in good position; the school moved up two places and is now ranked 7th for its flagship program, the Grande École Program. Even better, according to the same ranking, NEOMA ranks first in terms of alumni network satisfaction, with a score of 4.7/5, ahead of EDHEC, ESSEC and HEC and the 34 other institutions represented.
NEOMA Alumni ranked 1st in terms of alumni network satisfaction according to the 2019 L’Etudiant ranking
2018-11-20 16:21:37
2019-01-08 16:21:37
2018-11-20 11:57:04
NEOMA Alumni
The list of business schools in “L'Etudiant” magazine has been released and NEOMA Business School is in good position; the school moved up two places and is now ranked 7th for its flagship program, the Grande École Program. Even better, according to the same ranking, NEOMA ranks first in terms of alumni network satisfaction, with a score of 4.7/5, ahead of EDHEC, ESSEC and HEC and the 34 other institutions represented.Source :,900549,900551&criterias
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