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NEOMA BS, with the support of NEOMA Foundation, invites its community to support equal opportunities through Excellence Grants!

NEOMA Business School



"Get involved with NEOMA BS on the path to Excellence!" This is the title of the new fundraising campaign launched by the NEOMA Foundation to the School community. Our School has built its new 2022 strategic plan around a stated ambition: to innovate and challenge established practices in the sector.

Among the challenges the foundation is committed to meeting: defending equal opportunities is one of the top priorities and there is a moral commitment to ensure that no student gives up Excellence for financial reasons!

By making a donation to the NEOMA Foundation, you choose to give meaning to your commitment by becoming an active participant in the development of NEOMA BS.

To learn more about this campaign and discover the actions carried out by NEOMA BS for diversity: 

Browse the NEOMA Foundation website


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